War had its benefits. One is darts game. During war to kill time while not killing enemies, soldiers in England and Ireland invented this game. The game of war thus crossed continents and played in pubs and homes in several countries. The game after hitting bulls eye across the world was subdued due to the dominance of other games. But to relive the legacy of the accuracy of sharp eye, mind and body coordination the darts game has gone electronic. 7 best electronic dart boards 2018 bring a new lease of life to the game of the warriors.
Dart game and sport :
The game played in the wartime to overcome the boredom has since become the game for locals to identify and celebrate the local heroes. Almost every bar in the US and in many local restaurants and eat outs darts board and game have become legendary and customary. After a day’s of hard work relaxing in the pubs and eating in restaurants is America’s style. A game which is easily available and the talents exhibited easily visible and appreciated is the much sought out time killers. Darts game provides the right platform to kill such time and enjoy it also.
Bulls Eye :
Starting to play with a piece of felled trees and with mini javelin look alike darts in the wartimes, the darts game have come to a full cycle. Hitting the bulls eye is still the winning formula along with it the basic rules. The regular darting board is 451 mm or 17 ¾ inches in diameter divided into 20 radial sections. The dart boards are hung at a height of 5ft 8 inches or 1.73 meters as in war times suitable to a 6 ft tall human being. The distance to hit the bulls eye is 7 feet 9 ¼ inches or 2.37 meters. The general rules followed in England from the starting time of darts though slightly modified to the modern day requirements still have the measures and rules as the base.
Being a time killer for warriors to modern day youth with 7 best electronic dart boards [2018] is changing the demography of darts game.